by Kyle Robinson

-- A society known for their resistance to technological change has made a great stride forward in their own world of technology. A gas-powered machine to transport people (or items) distances previously seen as impossible to the community, roughly 1-5 miles.
The engine generates 20 horsepower and can reach speeds of up to 25 mph or 13.4 meters per second (converted for Amish people). This magnificent machine has an unorthodox 60 gallon tank and can carry two passengers, being mindful of the 210 pound limit.
“At three miles a gallon this thing costs about $215 to get to the next community. Sadly, this is more money than we have ever seen,” said patriarch Jebadiah. “We heard about this man Joe who seems to have raised gas prices; gas being a substance we will now need to invent for ourselves which will take an additional several decades.