By Drew Valdez

-- Over the years, we have grown accustomed to our favorite anime heroes and villains ferociously shouting their special offensive maneuvers when engaged in battle. It is something practiced across a wide range of anime and does not seem to be fading any time soon. After speaking with a former anime character, Hayate Ishikawa, we were surprised to learn this custom does not necessarily have to be done each time.
When asked about the common habit, Ishikawa said, “To be honest, it actually wastes a lot of breath. You’ll still be able to carry out the attack even if you don’t announce it. I feel like my attacks could’ve been so much more impactful if I was able to concentrate my energy on the attack itself instead of mustering up the breath to say it out loud.”
We asked why he continued to do it even though he felt it was unnecessary. Hayate’s response was, “Well I didn’t want to be the only one not saying anything. The others would’ve given me a lot of grief and I simply wanted to fit in since I was just a supporting character.
“I kind of feel like my character would’ve lasted longer in the story I was in if I was able to defeat some of my enemies quicker,” Ishikawa continues. “It was a lot of extra energy expended, especially since some of my attacks had really long names.”
We asked the character if there are others that feel the same way. He responded, “Oh no, yelling it out like that is sacred to them. I don’t think they’re ever going to stop doing it.”