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Biden Informs Americans They Can Now Do The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge To Help Ukraine

by Drew Valdez

-- Just a day after the internet discovered five TikTok dances that will allow anyone who partakes to help Ukraine, president Biden announced to the world that you can now do the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge to help Ukraine as well.

“The TikTok dances are bad enough, but the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge?? That just doesn’t make sense!” said an exasperated White House representative.

In a statement from the president, Biden said, “We’re embroidered by the bravery of the Ukrainians to fight and are inspired by their medication… I mean I’m not gonna do sh*t to help but still, this ALS Ice Bucket Challenge offers the kind of compassion and support our brothers and cousins need over there.”

“This is a chance to atone for my sins,” said a closed-eyed Biden as he cut in front of a Black person in line at the ice cream shop.

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