by Drew Valdez

-- “When To Say When” is a song we’ve all believed to be a nondescript song about Drake’s journey in music so far, but in an exclusive interview with Drake himself, he reveals the song is actually inspired by an experience he had at a restaurant while the waiter was grating cheese onto his food.
Drake explains that it all started because of his friends. The line, “Baby, Wayne and Tez responsible for this sh*t” is admitted to be about a dinner date where the three of them peer pressured Drake into ordering the largest dish of fettuccine Alfredo the restaurant had, which then required more cheese to be grated.
According to Drake, the waiter grated nearly a whole block of Parmesan cheese onto Drake’s fettuccine Alfredo after asking him to say “when” then proceeded to ask Drake if that was enough. Drake then said it wasn’t and the waiter scoffed and said in a somewhat rude tone, “It should be enough, I just grated nearly this whole block of Parmesan cheese onto your fettuccine Alfredo.” Then Drake asked if the waiter could just use the rest of the block on his dish. The waiter then said he couldn’t because he had to save it for the other tables he was waiting. Then Drake smacked his lips and said “c’mon please?” The waiter stood pat and explained that the amount of Parmesan cheese on Drake’s plate was more than enough and that he should be thankful he grated as much as he did. Drake then pouted and said that the Parmesan cheese is his favorite part and that all the other waiters always use the whole block. The waiter said that he is not other waiters and was interrupted by Drake with the now famous line, “Look we can argue back and forth, but who’s the richer man?”
The line, “People wanna know what’s in my pockets, they don’t understand” refers to the alcohol wipes Drake carries in his pocket to clean his hands for when he has to pick the croutons out of his side salad because they’re too hard to bite down on.
Everything was ultimately resolved and made apparent by the line, “It’s because even though you hate on me, we stay friends,” which is explained to be how Drake and the waiter agreed to disagree on when you should say “when” while a waiter is grating Parmesan cheese onto one’s food and made up through some intense cuddling at the rapper’s house.
Drake never did say “when,” but the two remain friends, sending Parmesan cheese grating videos to each other daily.