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Fans Unable To Watch Mahomes In Real Time Due To Constant Replays Of Previous Throws

by Drew Valdez

-- Have you ever seen Patrick Mahomes play in real time? Neither have we. It occurred to the Weekly Report after taking in the Kansas City/Las Vegas game that we never get to enjoy a live Chiefs possession due to the incessant amount of replays of Mahomes’ imaginative passes. 

We were able to speak to employees from CBS who weren’t putting together a Mahomes highlight package. 

“But have you seen how crazy his throws are?” one CBS broadcast director said as he gazed at a replay monitor. 

According to network executives, the only challenge is cycling in new commentators to describe the near 21 hours worth of replays available of Mahomes and his offensive genius on a given week. 

A CBS higher-up said, “It’s great for fans cause if they play on a Sunday, by the time we broadcast the whole game it leads right up to Monday Night Football.”

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