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Kim Jong Un Announces No Covid Deaths in 2020, or Any Deaths Ever in North Korea...

... and nobody is allowed to check --

by Kyle Robinson

-- A staggering remark made by the self-proclaimed ‘Divine Supreme God of North Korea,’ reporting the news that his country has incredibly seen no Covid deaths or even cases in 2020.

“Thanks to my superior leadership we have prevented the virus from penetrating the 38th parallel and infecting our people,” he said as he polished his Dennis Rodman Trophy. He would add, “Stupid orange man is responsible for every death since the dawn of time.”

The statement drew plenty of skepticism from other nations, as every country has had their troubles containing the virus. This included U.S President Donald Trump who stated simply, “I don’t believe anything that tiny, weak man says,” which prompted CNN to instinctively defend everything the Kim Dynasty had ever done.

The Weekly Report has sent field reporters there to verify the story… they are not expected to ever return.

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