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Mayor de Blasio Insists He Never Targets Specifically The Jews...Anymore...In Noticeable Ways...

Updated: May 20, 2020

...In Public...Starting Now...

By Kyle Robinson

-- Since the implementation of lockdown orders, Mayor Bill De Blasio has come under fire for seemingly singling out Jewish gatherings as defiance of the social distancing orders. While insisting that all gatherings are to be deemed inappropriate, he categorically denies targeting specifically New York’s Jewish community.

“Since he CATEGORICALLY denied it in his own words it is a non-story by my definition,” said De Blasio-wingman and CNN reporter Jim Acosta. When presented with tweets suggesting otherwise, Acosta seemed distracted as he walked past his own reflection in a shop window and could not resist admiring.

De Blasio was given the chance to defend his tweet beginning with “My message to the Jewish community, and all communities…” as he nervously approached the microphone… “My message was simple, to the Jews who control our banking systems...uhh I mean… the Jews, you must not hold large gatherings of other Jews… also, everyone should abide by my orders, also the Jews…”

The Mayor then insisted he turn back to more important matters such as visualizing how he would nationalize the water balloon industry should he ever be elected President.

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