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Study Finds There Were More U.S. Super Spreader Events in 2020 Than 1980’s West Hollywood

by Drew Valdez

-- Super spreading has always been a thing. We have some famous examples that include the bubonic plague in the mid-1300's, the Spanish Flu in the early 1900’s, and of course HIV/AIDS in the 1980’s.

Top researchers at CNN have come out with a new study that found that there were more super spreader events that spread the coronavirus in America in 2020 than AIDS was spread through West Hollywood in the 1980’s.

“I was actually impressed with the findings,” said researcher Steven Owings as he casually popped his cure for AIDS supplement. “I mean I was there in ‘88 and boy did we spread some things…”

“I mean I was sharing needles like I share the bus, then I’d go and have raw anal sex with the cute bus boys at the clubs. It was just a time like no other, you know? These people in this last year really outdid us and honestly all I can do is say congrats and keep it going.”

In a Weekly Report exclusive story, Owings reveals he was Magic Johnson's first homosexual experience and the one that infected him with HIV.

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