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Unemployed Triple-Masked Man Cuts Seniors For Sixth Vaccine Dose To Prove ‘He Cares’

by Kyle Robinson

-- The ‘ANTI-VAX’ movement has garnered a healthy amount of attention over the past few months as many are concerned of side effects from the quickly developed Covid vaccine. The vaccine was developed by Big Pharma with the help of the administration of whoever was President before Joe Biden (Kamala Harris has wiped the records on this matter citing ‘irritation’).

Tyler Mussolini could not wait to prove the doubters wrong by making a pledge for a dozen vaccine doses by summer. We were able to catch up with him in line at CVS…

“I am sick of people suggesting they should not be forced to get the vaccine; they clearly just do not care about indigenous people,” he barked at our reporter through his masks. “If there is a group of people that do not care then I WILL CARE ENOUGH FOR EVERYONE. I have shoved many elderly, forged many documents and I have an extraordinary amount of time on my hands!”

He has gone an incredible eleven straight months without removing the same pair of plastic gloves. As Mussolini has not worked in over a year, the only thing he had on his schedule the rest of the day was to attend a rally demanding the dismantling of Big Pharma, saying they have never contributed anything to society.

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