by Drew Valdez

-- A local Wellness Leader is being accused of spreading negative energy after several members of the studio say they’ve been experiencing bad vibes after leaving their weekly classes.
We asked the studio owner, Haisel, about the accusations. She says, “It’s probably 'cause they don’t listen in class. During our breathing exercises, they talk and plan where they’re going to eat after. When I tell them to repeat mantras back to me, they don’t know them. And when I specifically tell them to shake the negative energy out of their bodies, they do this half-hearted shake that doesn’t do anything. It’s really disappointing.”
Members say they have not been seeing positive changes in their life as usual after taking their class. “I noticed one class the door was cracked open and it was like 40 degrees outside,” one member said as she pointed out it was 4:44 p.m. “Like what is she trying to do to us right now, get us sick? It was so distracting I couldn’t even concentrate on aligning my chakra.”
“I take these classes to get over my childhood trauma. If I’m not receiving only the purest of energy, I’m never going to properly heal,” another member complained while gathering up their black tourmaline gemstones.
Haisel stands firm in insisting the accusations are not true. “Look, I make $500 a session per person. Why would I do ANYTHING to jeopardize that kind of sca- I mean money-making program.”